A Step toward Women Empowerment – The Women Waves
Women Empowerment The word ‘women’ is not only beautiful but also inclusive, encompassing both men and women. In India, women have been a topic of profound significance, spanning from ancient times to the modern day, with an enigmatic essence hidden within them.
Women are an integral part of nature, bestowing us with life. Despite their immense importance, they have historically faced societal oppression and condemnation. In the past, women lacked the authority to pursue education or work.
However, the last century marked a turning point, as women began to raise their voices against such discrimination. With the support of enlightened individuals, this movement gradually evolved into a revolution – the empowerment of women.
“The empowerment of women means that, to create a healthy environment around women, in which she can think, ask and work for her welfare.”
Women Empowerment
- Social Women Emp.
- Educational Women Emp.
- Economic and Occupational Women Emp.
- Legal Women Emp.
- Political Women Emp. etc.
Here we want to draw your attention to economic and professional women’s empowerment; This is an important part of every woman’s life. If a woman is self-sufficient then the maximum problems of her life are easily solved. In view of this, an organization Women’s Wave (A Pune-based start-up, Helping Women’s Entrepreneurs) made an initiative to help those women who are interested in growing as entrepreneurs and starting their own career. It is an initiative of Nikita Vora, who is passionate about helping and guiding women in the corporate world.
Women Wave organized an event for women entrepreneurs. It was a workshop for women entrepreneurs about Business Development, Communication Skills & Techniques. There were two key persons,
- Dipti Divekar
- Bharat Damani
Dipti Diwekar Conducted Voice Modulation Workshop and Bharat Damani were there to guide about Business Development & Techniques.
We know very well our role in every social activity. We are those who are in full support of women’s empowerment, this is the reason that we have provided the best with our side, we are a media content production company, we have covered the entire program, the best for our expert shooting The camera used to have Canon 60D for photography and Canon 700 D for video footage. It was an amazing experience to see the enthusiast women entrepreneurs. In future, we are always there to Support Women’s Empowerment.
To See the Event Video Click on the Given Link –
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